1.    Anyone that enters the gym will need to sign a new gym waiver with additional COVID regulations. 

2.    Court time is by appointment only.  

3.    Practice Social Distancing - stay 6 feet apart. 

4.    No more than 22 people per court. Including coaches, players. 

5.    Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer located as you enter the facility. 

6.    No spectators will be allowed to stay and watch practices until further notice. 

7.    Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

10. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately dispose of tissue.  

11. No outside food or drinks allowed inside gym. 

12. Water for players and coaches must be in a sealed sports container. Please note:  We are unable to supply water from our water fountain per AAU/USA Volleyball guidelines until further notice. 

11. No scrimmages will be allowed with any other teams even if you have court time reserved on separate courts at the same time.  Absolutely no scrimmages. 

12. No early arrivals or staying late after practices. Upon completion of your court time exiting the building and leaving quickly will all go a long way in providing the safest environment for you, other customers, and our staff. 

13. No team meetings inside the gym. Meeting Room is closed. Should a coach decide to address the team, it must be within their reserved court time. 

14. Masks are always recommended to be worn when off-court and in the building. 

15. Please do not come to the facility if you are sick or are experiencing any flu-like or Covid-like symptoms.  

16. We reserve the right to take your temperature prior to entering the facility. 

17. No touching will be allowed, no high fiving, fist bumps, elbow bumps, hugs, or shaking of hands, etc.  

18. You must remain on the court you are scheduled for the duration of your court rental.  

19. All outside equipment must be sanitized by the coach prior to entering the building. IAV is not responsible to provide product to sanitize your equipment. 

20. IAV will no longer store team ball carts, balls, or any equipment.   

21. Court fees must be paid before practices start. 

24. Teams wanting to reserve more than 3 hours of advanced court time will be subject to a contract.  Cancellation policy will remain in effect with or without a contract. 

23. When at the concession counter, you must wear a mask.  Please protect our family just like we will work hard to protect yours. 

24. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the facility if any of the requirements are not met or disregarded.